The company itself trusts the data of the biobank to design its panels, so data acquisition is not an objective of the new offer, although if you intend to use the customer data, you first get their permission and all data analyzed they are protected by Europeans. Regulation of Protection of Genetic Data, as well as national regulations.
"It has been of interest in Finland, "Auro said of the new panel." The first day he was available, we received several hundred requests [for analysis] ",
He said. While the company launched the Finnish trial earlier this month, is now in the process of expansion to reach international users
by making it available in English.
"We know that in Finland, the percentage that owns its own whole genome data is limited ", Auro said. "We wanted to expand and see how this test could be delivered to global markets. "When asked if the service could help the company reach more customers with its other panels, Auro was agree. "We believe this will help us reach more customers for our other tests, "he said.
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